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Improving the indoor air quality in your building

Aug 25, 2023 | Public | 0 comments

The cooler weather is on its way, and when that happens, windows and bay doors start to stay closed, so facilities need to do what they can to improve indoor air quality (IAQ). According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, poor indoor air quality can lead to increased health issues, along with absenteeism, and loss of productivity.

Poor air quality can be the result of several different air contaminants, including:

  • Carbon dioxide from occupants and fuel emissions from gas and oil furnaces and heaters
  • Carbon monoxide from vehicle exhaust
  • Dust, fibreglass, and gases from building materials
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from equipment, paint, furnishings, caulking, and more
  • Dust mites from fabric and carpets
  • Microbial components from damp areas or materials
  • Ozone from photocopiers and electrostatic air cleaners
  • Miscellaneous sources like tobacco smoke, perfume, and more

There are some simple steps you can take to improve the air quality in your building through the fall and winter:

  • Look at your HVAC system. Clogged filters can interrupt airflow, so change your filters regularly for the best performance.
  • Include additional sources to help purify the air, like economizers, which can help supplement with fresh air throughout your building.
  • Vacuum and wash textiles frequently to remove dust mites and particles that can contaminate the air.
  • Clean and sanitize surfaces so they don’t collect any contaminating material that could become airborne.
  • Conduct regular indoor inspections of your building to look for areas of moisture that could encourage mould growth. Take care of these issues to reduce the risk of mould spores contaminating the air.
  • Reduce, remove, or remain vigilant with cleaning carpets so they don’t retain moisture.
  • Use products with low VOCs when choosing paint, cleaning products, and other supplies.

The health and safety of the occupants of your building is an important reason to worry about IAQ, along with more comfort, increased efficiency, and better productivity. Keeping IAQ top of mind ensures that your strategy remains proactive in improving indoor air quality for the sake of your business.

The post Improving the indoor air quality in your building appeared first on REMINET.


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