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Smart buildings mean smarter facility management

Feb 16, 2024 | Public | 0 comments

Smart buildings are continually on the rise, with most facility and maintenance managers seeing the value in accessing the data that comes with this technology. However, while 90 per cent of managers feel that technology will improve operations, only 17 per cent of managers have installed those tools. So, even though the technology works and helps improve performance and efficiency in theory, it has yet to be adopted by many building and maintenance managers.

Let’s look at the practical ways that having a smart building can help improve your business.

The term “smart building” refers to the use of a wide array of interconnected technology to improve efficiency, sustainability, and productivity in your building. This can include everything from building management systems (BMS) to the internet of things (IoT) to AI to integrated workplace management systems (IWMS) and more. There are so many ways you can incorporate a smart strategy to improve the function of your building.

Access to information

One of the biggest advantages that smart technology can provide is access to data. Analyzing traffic insights, operational systems, energy usage, and so much more allows you to make business decisions that make sense to optimize service, efficiency, and productivity. Using the data to automate decision-making, predict equipment behaviour and failure, and better manage labour saves you the time and money to better run your business. Today’s tools can even help you improve inventory control and supply chain management with faster tracking and location data, so delays can be minimized and operations continue to run smoothly.

Increased sustainability

Technology can make sustainability and reaching ESG goals easier by monitoring and managing energy use more efficiently. Tools like sensors can help provide data to show where there are opportunities for improvement, and mobile access makes adjusting controls simple. As well, AI can be used to help develop more sustainable practices and products. Companies like Nike are using technology to create more sustainable materials, lowering their carbon footprint, and connecting with their customers.

Employee satisfaction

Company culture is a hot topic these days, as all types of industries work to get people back to the office.  70 per cent of people said that they would leave their jobs for a company with better technology, so staying ahead of the curve can give you a competitive labour advantage. In addition, using smart technology to simplify tasks and lessen workload means less burnout, minimized turnover, and a happier, more productive workplace overall.

Smart buildings makes sense, and while it may seem daunting to implement a complete overhaul, taking steps to modernize your infrastructure can boost efficiency, better your green initiatives, lead to increased employee retention, and save you time and money.

The post Smart buildings mean smarter facility management appeared first on REMINET.


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