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Bucktail Medical Center to Close Permanently

Mar 17, 2024 | Public | 0 comments

Bucktail cites challenging fiscal issues contributing to its decision to close.

Bucktail Medical Center announced that it will be closing its long-term care facility, effective May 14, 2024.

Like many rural hospitals nationwide, Bucktail Medical Center has been grappling with challenging fiscal issues over the past decade. Faced with overwhelming and ongoing revenue shortfalls associated with operating the long-term care facility, Bucktail’s leadership explored several options with elected officials and other healthcare providers to chart the best path forward.

The closure of the long-term care facility will also result in job losses for the staff employed there. Bucktail Medical Center intends to place some of them into job positions that are currently open and is working with its healthcare partners to help identify positions for the workers displaced by the closure.

The post "Bucktail Medical Center to Close Permanently" appeared first on Healthcare Facilities Today


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