The Cleveland Clinic Global Peak Performance Center will provide care both to Cavaliers players and the general public.
The Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Clinic and Bedrock Real Estate celebrated the groundbreaking of the Cleveland Clinic Global Peak Performance Center. This facility spans more than 210,000 square feet and will soon become one of the largest and most advanced training and performance complexes in the world. The Populous-designed complex is also the first vertical development in Bedrock Real Estate’s ambitious $3.5 billion Cuyahoga Riverfront Master Plan.
Cavaliers players will soon have an unparalleled, cutting-edge facility designed to optimize their athletic performance and overall well-being. The center will feature advanced technology and equipment, best-in-class biomechanical testing systems, high-tech training equipment with integrated data analytics, virtual reality and simulation technology for skill development and wearable sensors for real-time performance monitoring.
The center will offer comprehensive care for the general public, including athletes of all sports and levels. The care will be personalized to the individual and informed by data inputs from one of the largest sports health data hubs. The interdisciplinary center will provide access to high-tech testing and training equipment and expert professionals from specialties, including sports medicine, cardiology, pulmonology, exercise physiology, neurology, nutrition, psychology and genetics.
The facility is expected to open in 2027.
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