ProFM® Credential

Facilities Strategic Leadership

  • Strategy, People & Alignment
  • Finance, Resources & Value Creation
  • Project & Program Development

Healthcare Facilities Management

  • Standards, Compliance & Strategy
  • Planning, Design & Construction
  • Operations & Maintenance
  • Finance & Administration

Your source for Facilities Management training!

For you individually, or for your Team!

We offer industry standard course work in all areas of Facilities Management. Our course offerings are updated and added to regularly.  In addition we provide links to valuable resources and materials that we have researched and qualified for you!

Instructor Led
    • In person (5 full day sessions)
    • Blended (2 full day sessions + webinars)
    • Online (all webinars)
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Corporate & Group
    • Discounts (2+ delegates)
    • On Site Courses (5+ delegates)
    • Off-The-Shelf / Customized / Bespoke Courses
    • Online/Self Study Group Rates
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FM College Advantage
  • 1 Year Access ~ All Course Online Sessions
  • Additional Monthly Course Webinars
  • Course Forum Access
  • Additional Resources/Links

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Self Study

Fall 2022!

  • Introductory
  • Intermediate / Body of Knowledge
  • Specialty

Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)

Free FM College Registration

The best way to find out why we are the right choice for your needs is to register for an account.
Registering lets you access all sample FM College courses, forums and resources.
You  will also be able to track your course progress.

About Us

Robert Blakey

Robert Blakey

Director, Sr. Instructor

M. Sc. Engineering Management


FM College ~ Why?

FM College is focused on providing quality education in facilities management that creates meaningful change for the student, their employer and the industry.

Education in facilities management is not something you can complete at any point of your career and then be done.  It is not something that can be gained simply by studying books and attending seminars.  Facilities management education is about applying knowledge gained from books and courses to real-world situations.  Also, accomplishing this in a world that is changing ever more rapidly.

We believe in providing an educational experience that creates a real difference in a person’s function as a facilities manager; today, tomorrow and into the future.

Focusing on this type of change, we have structured our courses to provide rapid, effective knowledge gain, with minimal time away from your job; but also to provide a year-long opportunity to absorb that knowledge, discuss it with other industry professionals, and review the course content in depth with these new insights.

We feel that this process, will create the turning point in your career that you, and your employer, are looking for!

Some of Our Recent Classes

Our instructors have provided and taught courses in facilities management for over 10 years for associations, universities, colleges and corporate partners. They bring to each of these courses a wealth of knowledge and experience gained from advanced education and decades of experience.
Their experience includes senior facilities management  in government, healthcare, commercial property and Fortune 500 corporations.  Building upon this strong experience they will teach and guide you in your personal journey towards leadership and excellence in facilities management.

IFMA CFM Class – Dubai 24-28 November 2019

Congratulations on the successful completion of the 5-day IFMA Certified Facility Manager (CFM) course to the Delegates from Dubai, UAE! Course organized by Leoron PDI

IFMA FMP Class – Redmond 17-21 June 2019

Congratulations on the successful completion of the 5-day IFMA Facilities Management Professional (FMP) course to the Delegates from Redmond, Washington! Course organized by the IFMA Seattle Chapter.

University of Washington – FM Certificate Program – 2019 Class – Seattle

Congratulations on the successful completion of the year-long University of Washington Certificate program in Facility Management to our graduates from Seattle, Washington!

Ready to Make a Change?

Join our mailing list so we can keep you informed of future classes and other opportunities.

Or sign up today for one of our classes!