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UNC Health Rex Files Plans for New Wake Forest Hospital

UNC Health Rex Files Plans for New Wake Forest Hospital

The plans will have to be approved by North Carolina’s CON office. UNC Health Rex has filed plans with state regulators to build a new community hospital in Wake Forest, a project that will increase access and improve care in a fast-growing region of the state. UNC...

Prolonging the life of your below-grade parking structure

Prolonging the life of your below-grade parking structure

When cracks appear in the concrete foundation walls of your below-grade parking structure, the sight can be disconcerting. But the reality is, it happens in every facility at some point in its lifecycle and there are trusted methods to prevent them from worsening....

Prepare for winter with your fall maintenance checklist

Prepare for winter with your fall maintenance checklist

We’re still enjoying summer, but fall is around the corner, and that means being prepared for the winter weather that’s coming. Maintenance managers know that taking a prepared, proactive approach means less hassle, making the most of your time and money, and less...