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Five trends redefining FM in 2024

Dec 22, 2023 | Public | 0 comments

Looking back over the past few years, the world of facility management has been through an ocean of change, says Joe Harris, Commercial Director at workplace technology specialist Matrix Booking. As we look ahead to 2024, Harris says the sector is poised for yet another dynamic transformation with five standout trends set to reshape the landscape.

From tech innovation to sustainability, these trends are revolutionising the ways facility managers can create smarter, more responsive spaces, that align with the demands of the ever-evolving world of work. Harris discusses these trends in more detail below.

The rise of sustainability

Throughout 2023, the voice of sustainability could be heard shouting the loudest. Worldwide, industries are working to limit their carbon footprints and drive towards a more sustainable future. 2024 will be no different, and facility managers will be under increasing pressure to reduce the environmental impact of their buildings.

With world governments pledging a greater focus on environmental practices, the industry will see an increase in the importance of ESG ratings of buildings. Soon, key legislation will mandate EPC band B or higher for all non-domestic buildings. This means that by 2030 many leased buildings will require substantial upgrades to comply with these standards.

As old leases expire, we will see organisations relocating to leased buildings that are smaller, greener and more efficient. But adapting to this world will require a switch in mindset, one in which technology and data will be increasingly viewed as essential to achieving sustainability and net zero targets.

New technological advancements 

As always, there is no telling exactly where technology will take us, but the one certainty is that it will continue to play an increasingly important role in facility management. Technology such as AI and machine learning has already begun making waves in the industry, and these waves will grow daily. Facility managers will be able to use this technology to provide real time analytics regarding their buildings, automate tasks, improve efficiency, and make better decisions.

This in turn will transform the occupant experience. Advanced technologies enable the creation of personalised, comfortable environments, boosting productivity and satisfaction. With real-time insights and predictive maintenance, facilities will not only become more efficient but also more responsive to user needs, leading to a harmonious and well-attended workspace that positively impacts overall occupant wellbeing. 

Data-driven decision making

As we move into the next year, the changing world of business and technology is giving facility managers more data than ever. With the insight this data provides, they will be able to make smarter and quicker decisions that enhance facility operations. To stay ahead in this dynamic industry, using this data for everything from visitor management to proactive maintenance will be key.

When it comes to the effective management of available space, reliable usage data will be an invaluable asset. By understanding the trends in space usage, managers can better allocate resources, increase employee productivity and reduce costs, all while improving efficiency and sustainability efforts. Data-driven decision making won’t be just about streamlining operations. It will define the future of facility management.

Adapting to an agile, flexible workforce

 Hybrid working continues to reshape the workplace, and facility managers will need to keep adapting to this ever changing environment. With no two clients ever the same, each will demand a tailored approach. Using technology creatively will be crucial in achieving the necessary flexibility required for the new year.

As workforce patterns shift, facility managers need to be agile. From supporting new, small businesses to adjusting spaces for large corporations mandating that workers return to offices, they must be able to modify their facilities to suit a variety of needs and unexpected situations. This adaptability will be essential in navigating the future of workspaces.

Remaining cost efficient 

2024 will see a strong focus on cost-efficiency for facility managers. Navigating the path to sustainability and cost-efficiency can be complex, but technology offers a helping hand. By using advanced tech solutions, facility managers can simplify the process of reducing energy bills and optimising space usage.

The key is to use technology not just as a tool, but as a strategic ally. Resource booking software, for instance, becomes crucial in this scenario. It does more than just help cut costs; it enables facility managers to discover and maximise underused resources. This software transforms the daunting task of resource management into an efficient process, ensuring facilities are not only up-to-date but also aligned with both sustainability goals and budgetary constraints.

The upcoming year is poised for innovation and change to address the demands of a dynamic workplace setting. Facility managers will need to navigate and embrace these five transformative trends, focusing their efforts on crafting efficient, responsive spaces suitable for fostering enhanced productivity, employee wellbeing, and sustainable practices.

The post Five trends redefining FM in 2024 appeared first on FMJ.


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