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IREM backs women aspiring to career advancement

Jan 5, 2024 | Public | 0 comments

The IREM Foundation is offering a 2024 scholarship to support women aspiring to career advancement in commercial real estate. Plans for the special bursary were hatched in conjunction with the 90th anniversary of the Institute for Real Estate Management (IREM) in 2023, and will be made available in a year when an all-female executive slate — president, president-elect, secretary/treasurer, secretary/treasurer nominee and immediate past president — leads the organization.

Candidates who identify as women and are working toward professional certification as an accredited commercial manager (AcoM), accredited residential manager (ARM), certified property manager (CPM) or towards their firm’s certification as an accredited management organization (AMO) can apply for the scholarship, which will cover 75 per cent of the tuition or exam fees for three courses. Recipients who pass scholarship-funded courses or exams by June 30 will also be eligible for a stipend to cover 75 per cent of the registration fee for the 2024 IREM Global Summit, set for October 6-9 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The IREM Foundation is a non-profit public charity that raises funds exclusively from the IREM membership to channel to scholarships, specialized funds and recognition programs that place a priority on diversity, supporting young professionals and expanding knowledge and skills for all industry practitioners. After surpassing the USD $90,000 target for seeding the one-year scholarship for women in leadership, the Foundation will disburse funds until that pot is fully expended.

“This new opportunity is a testament to the dedication of our donors and the Foundation’s mission to foster inclusivity and excellence within the real estate management profession,” says Chip Crumpler, the 2023 IREM Foundation president.

The post IREM backs women aspiring to career advancement appeared first on REMINET.


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