Designed to help prepare for the IFMA Certified Facility Manager Exam!
0.8 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Certificate Upon Completion

Welcome to our exciting journey into the vital world of strategic planning in business. This topic is more important now than ever before.
Think about how fast business changes these days. New technology pops up almost daily. Customer needs shift quickly. Global events can change everything overnight. That’s why we need solid planning.
Strategic planning isn’t just about making a to-do list for your business. It’s about seeing the big picture and preparing for what’s ahead. It’s like having a roadmap for your company’s future. This roadmap helps you know where you’re going and how to get there.
We’ll look at how strategic planning helps companies stay ahead of their competition. We’ll explore how it makes businesses more flexible and better at using their resources.
One thing always stands out – the ones who plan well succeed more often. The ones who don’t plan often struggle. It’s that simple.
Course Outline
- Introduction: Understanding the Organization
- Topic 1: What is Strategic Planning?
- Topic 2: The Role of Leadership in Strategic Planning
- Lesson 1: Mission, Vision, Values, Culture & Strategy
- Topic 1: Understanding Your Mission: Foundation of Strategic Success
- Topic 2: Crafting a Vision for the Future
- Topic 3: Core Values: Organizational Pillars
- Topic 4: The Essence of Organizational Culture
- Topic 5: Setting Strategic Objectives
- Topic 6: Connecting Core Elements for Oganizational Success
- Lesson 2: Focus on the Customer
- Topic 1: Aligning Strategy with Customer Needs
- Topic 2: The Impact of Business Units on Strategy
- Topic 3: Business Units & Customer-Centric Strategy
- Topic 4: Focus on the Customer: The Key to Business Success
- Lesson 3: Deep Dive into the Organization
- Topic 1: Deep Dive into Mission
- Topic 2: Deep Dive into Vision
- Topic 3: Deep Dive into Values
- Topic 4: Deep Dive into Culture
- Topic 5: Deep Dive into Strategic Objectives
- Summary: Deep Dive into the Organization
- Lesson 4: Conclusion & Key Takeaways
- Topic 1: Strategic Planning: A Roadmap to Success
- Topic 2: The Way Forward: A Call to Action
Course Resources
- On Demand Course Content
- Study on your schedule!
- Online Interactive Course Presentations
- Presentation handouts for your notes!
- Flashcards
- Chapter readings available in PDF Viewer
- Quizes and Final Exam can be taken multiple times until passed!
- Over 400 sample questions in database on application of principles to real world scenarios!
Purchase Options
List Price
US Active Duty, US Veteran or Member of any FM Member Association
Member of NYSSFA
Down Payment provides 6 months access. Monthly fee applies for continued access after 180 days. You may cancel or suspend access at any time. Most students complete all course work within 3 months.