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When Should Healthcare Facilities Maintenance Their Doors?

Jul 10, 2024 | Public | 0 comments

Door manufacturers discuss when to maintain doors in healthcare facilities.

Doors, like any mechanical part of a healthcare facility, are bound to need maintenance at some point in their usable life. Given the various types of doors, some are going to need servicing more frequently than others. In this manufacturer roundtable, Healthcare Facilities Today speaks with door manufacturers about when to maintenance doors.

When should facility managers maintain their doors, and are ones in high-traffic areas in more need of it?  

“Doors require regular maintenance every quarter annually; teams should have protocols in place to inspect and assess the status of the doors. Sliding doors usually require more maintenance than swing doors.”

— Kevin Mayer, commercial director for PurOptima 

“All doors, whether slide, swing, folding doors, revolving doors or fire doors, should be maintained on a routine schedule to ensure they work properly and to reduce the chances of mishaps and/or extensive and costly damages from developing. AAADM recommends daily safety checks to ensure you and everyone entering your facility are always in a safe and secure environment.

Aside from the facility manager monitoring their hospital door systems themselves, they should also have an AAADM certified technician inspect and provide maintenance in the building annually or semi-annually.”

— Ashley Estrada, product manager, Horton Automatics

“Facility managers should conduct regular inspection and maintenance on both traditional doors and automatic doors to ensure that they remain in optimal condition and function effectively. The recommended frequency of maintenance depends on factors such as the type of door, type of use, and the level of usage. Here are some guidelines for when facility managers should schedule door maintenance:

  • Facility managers should conduct routine inspections of all doors within the facility to identify any signs of damage or malfunction.
  • Facility managers should schedule periodic maintenance tasks for doors, including lubrication of hinges and moving parts, adjustment of door closers and latches, and replacement of worn or damaged components. The frequency of scheduled maintenance may vary depending on factors such as the type of door and its level of usage.
  • Changes in weather can affect the performance of doors, especially exterior doors. Facility managers should pay special attention to doors to ensure they are properly sealed and functioning correctly.
  • Doors located in high-traffic areas are more prone to wear and tear due to frequent use. Facility managers should prioritize maintenance for doors in these areas to identify and manage issues early before they escalate into more serious problems.
  • Emergency exit doors or other doors that are integral to emergency egress plans should receive special attention from facility managers. These doors must be inspected regularly to ensure they are in good working condition and can be easily opened in the event of an emergency.”

— Brian Ha, product manager, STANLEY Access Technologies

Jeff Wardon, Jr. is the assistant editor for the facilities market. 

The post "When Should Healthcare Facilities Maintenance Their Doors?" appeared first on Healthcare Facilities Today


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