Biden Admin Finalizes New Lightbulb Efficiency Standards
On April 12, the Biden administration finalized congressionally mandated energy efficiency standards for the most common residential and commercial lightbulbs. The standards will go into effect in July 2028 for newly produced bulbs. Over 30 years, the U.S. Department...
New industry benchmark for public procurement is launched
The Cabinet Office has issued Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 03/24, replacing PPN 03/23 and introducing updates to the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) and accompanying statutory guidance for use in public procurement. This development signals a pivotal shift in...
NFPA 72: Commonly Asked Questions
Get answers to how the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code applies to your facility NFPA 72 is the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code and as stated in its scope: “NFPA 72 covers the application, installation, location, performance, inspection, testing, and...
How Technology is Evolving Healthcare Design
Emerging technology is changing the way healthcare facilities are designed from the very beginning. Patient needs have adapted over time, and nothing further proves that point than the way that healthcare facilities are now designed. More facilities have begun...
Why Staying in Your 401(k) After Retirement Makes Sense
Many Americans heading into retirement confront a weighty question that doesn’t have an easy answer: Should they retain their savings in their 401(k) plans, move them to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), or cash out and pay taxes (and perhaps penalties)...
Zeidler reveals new West Broadway hotel designs
Zeidler Architecture has revealed updated designs for 901 West Broadway, a new hotel project by Hallmark Hospitality that signals the beginning of the redevelopment of the West Broadway corridor in Vancouver. Located at northwest corner of West Broadway and Laurel...
New measures announced in Canada’s Housing Plan
Canada’s newly announced housing plan includes a variety of measures intended to encourage faster, lower-cost construction, increase housing affordability, and ultimately make it easier for Canadians to rent or buy a home. Calling it “the most comprehensive and...
3 ways the most innovative companies work differently
Innovation and creativity are the hallmarks of industry leaders and are critical to the long-term success of every organization. Business leaders are constantly looking for new ways to innovate because the pace of change has never been faster. With signs of a volatile...
Making a case for micro-unit apartments
As housing affordability and climate concerns continue to reach crisis levels in major urban centres around the globe, micro-unit apartments are emerging as a promising, low-cost solution thanks to innovative design concepts improving interior efficiencies. For...
ESOS explained
Companies need to prepare now for two Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme deadlines this year. Matt Chadbourn, Synergie Environ says by focusing on their energy auditing strategies to avoid costly and time-consuming revisions later The first deadline for phase...