Cleaning pet-friendly spaces

Cleaning pet-friendly spaces

From restaurants to hotels to office buildings, many places now welcome pets on-property, which can become a challenge for cleaners. As office spaces continue to change and evolve, cleaners need to know how best to clean and sanitize pet-friendly environments for...
NFPA 72: Commonly Asked Questions

NFPA 72: Commonly Asked Questions

Get answers to how the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code applies to your facility NFPA 72 is the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code and as stated in its scope: “NFPA 72 covers the application, installation, location, performance, inspection, testing, and...
Making a case for micro-unit apartments

Making a case for micro-unit apartments

  As housing affordability and climate concerns continue to reach crisis levels in major urban centres around the globe, micro-unit apartments are emerging as a promising, low-cost solution thanks to innovative design concepts improving interior efficiencies. For...
ESOS explained

ESOS explained

  Companies need to prepare now for two Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme deadlines this year. Matt Chadbourn, Synergie Environ says by focusing on their energy auditing strategies to avoid costly and time-consuming revisions later The first deadline for phase...