B.C. funds $2.6B Highway 1 upgrades in Abbotsford
The Government of British Columbia is investing $2.65 billion in new funding to widen and improve Highway 1 through the Fraser Valley. The funding will upgrade Highway 1 between Mount Lehman Road and Highway 11 in Abbotsford. “To make life better for people in the...
IBG launches library of low-rise building designs
Innovation Building Group (IBG) has launched IBG Designs, a new online platform that provides readily-available designs for multi-tenant buildings that smaller communities and organizations can use to address their affordable housing supply challenges. The...
How to Better Secure Your Healthcare Facility
Violent incidents in healthcare facilities are rapidly increasing. That’s why including security elements into the design of healthcare facilities is top of mind for Brendan Riley, MS, CHPA, the director of security, parking, and transportation at Lahey Hospital &...
Top 3 Strategies to Design and Build Eco-Friendly Facilities in 2024
The need for new buildings and facilities is soaring, buoyed by surging demand for everything from manufacturing to clean energy infrastructure and the triumvirate of legislation making construction more cost-effective, including the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs...
College Campus Fire Stats and Safety Tips for the New School Year
As the new school year approaches, college students nationwide are preparing to move into campus dormitories and off-campus housing. Through their annual “Campus Fire Safety for Students” campaign in September, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)...
Maintenance Strategy Important Part of Sustainable Roofing Plan
Roof insulation important to keep energy costs low in buildings. Picking a roof type is important for institutional and commercial facilities, but it’s just one part of the stainability equation. Without the right insulation in place under the roof, a building will...
Texas Health Resources to Build New Hospital and MOB in Forney
The new hospital, which will be built on 50 acres, will be the first full-service acute care hospital for the area. Texas Health Resources is expanding services in Kaufman County, including building a new full-service hospital and on-campus medical office building in...
Billions in Federal Funds Revamping National Parks
Great American Outdoors is pumping $6.65 billion into renovation and upgrade projects. August 20, 2024 For generations, this country’s national parks have offered visitors the opportunity to experience aspects of nature that have been preserved as they were a...
Women into Construction ceases trading after 16 years
As of 15 August 2024 Women into Construction (WiC), an independent not-for-profit organisation that promotes gender equality in construction ceased trading. In a statement on the organisation’s website, Kath Moore MBE, Managing Director – Women into Construction CIC...
Using Multifunctional, Fire-rated Glass to Support Safer School Design
Data presented by the National Glazing Association (NGA) offers an important consideration for those planning safer school designs. The NGA’s one-pager states that response times for first responders average three minutes. It also states that active shooter events...