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Finding success as a small cleaning business

Aug 14, 2024 | Public | 0 comments

Team of janitors with cleaning supplies in office


As labour shortages and high employee turnover persist, it can be a challenge to grow your commercial cleaning business. Competition is fierce, so managers need to plan ahead, invest wisely, assess potential, and create opportunities to find success.

Business management

Managing the day-to-day responsibilities of a cleaning company can be overwhelming, but when you get a handle on the business side, it leaves more time for you to focus on customer service. Sticking to your business plan, implementing payroll tools, and standardizing SOPs can all help manage your company efficiently and consistently.

Team building

Building your team means attracting, retaining, and training your staff. Start by offering a competitive salary, refining your interview process, and investing in developing your employees so they stay motivated and high-performing. Consider offering a rewards program for performance, a bonus structure for referrals, and development training to help your staff grow as you grow your business.


In order to stay competitive, managers need to know what’s trending, new technology, and changes in the marketplace. To best serve your customers and keep staff invested, business owners need to know what their competition is doing, adopt technology that will help better their business, and stay engaged with customer demand. From cleaning equipment to scheduling software, business owners need to invest in the tools they need to streamline operations, get ahead pf the competition, and increase efficiency.

Build your brand

Making a name for yourself will help you attract new customers. Post on your blog, engage on social media, and ask existing customers to post positive reviews to help get attention online. Joining professional associations can also help you network and draw from a pool of experienced business owners who may be able to mentor you or point you in the right direction.


Today’s commercial cleaning industry is competitive and with thin margins and continued staffing challenges, managers and owners need to explore every avenue from management to branding to find success and get ahead.

The post Finding success as a small cleaning business appeared first on REMINET.

RELATED: How cleaning companies can leverage relationships to grow the business


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