Y-joint Welding

A welding technique used for joining two materials at an angle, forming a “Y” shape for improved strength and load distribution.

Yard Drain

A drainage system installed in outdoor spaces to prevent water accumulation and soil erosion, often connected to stormwater management systems.

Yard of Concrete

A standard unit of measurement for concrete volume, equal to one cubic yard (27 cubic feet), commonly used in ordering and mixing.

Yellow Iron

A slang term in the construction industry referring to heavy earthmoving equipment, such as bulldozers, loaders, and excavators, typically painted yellow by manufacturers.

Yield Line Theory

A structural analysis method used to predict the failure patterns of reinforced concrete slabs under loading.

Yield Strength

The amount of stress a material can withstand before it deforms permanently, critical in structural steel and concrete design.

Yoke Frame

A structural support or temporary brace used in formwork to maintain alignment during concrete pouring.